Now what… is he really biting her nose? Oh yes, you bet he is!
Merijn en Susanne are two super funny people and they have been together for 9 years already(!). This summer they will get married, and I’m the lucky one who is going to be their wedding photographer in Amsterdam. A few weeks ago we had a pre-wedding loveshoot at the NDSM-werf: to have fun, so Merijn and Susanne would become familiair with my way of working, and of course to get some really nice, more casual pictures of the two of them. And I guess that we’ve met all our goals
I really enjoyed spending this summery evening with Merijn and Susanne. Their shoot was all about playing, hugs, tickling, laughter, teasing, kissing and having plain fun. It’s just so lovely to see how they are crazy about each other; how Marijn makes Susanne laugh really hard, and vice versa.
We had a fun time and I am all warmed up for their wedding in June. And not only warmed up – also looking forward to it!
Merijn, I hope you’re enjoying your bachelor party a.k.a. wicked roadtrip though the US with your friends! And Suus, hold on! I hope these pictures help a bit with the missing Lovely to see you so soon again at your wedding xx!

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